UMENCO: This year for Mother’s Day I’ll be…
Natalie Wood: Enjoying a take-away lunch from Sean’s Panaroma with one of my other favourite mothers, good friend and long-time collaborator Caterina Scardino, and our two boys Louis and Silas…
My sanctuary is…
Natalie Wood: Meditation in my bed that’s draped in soft rose pink linen, with a candle and my big chunk of rose quartz.
A mother I admire is…
Natalie Wood: My oldest and dearest friend Tina who I’ve witnessed on her journey raising her son Soul, making bold sacrifices for him and being really present as a guide and an incredible mother. Her passion and love never cease to amaze me, and because of that never-ending motherly love and passion, she has raised and exceptionally beautiful and talented human.

All images courtesy of Natalie Wood and Wolfgang Scout.
UMENCO: Being a working mother in the fashion industry is…
It is not an easy juggle, fashion is a tough gig, and in the creative area it’s really hard to switch off as design happens at all times of the day, and it rarely just cuts off at 5.30pm. It’s like constantly working and juggling challenges and decision-making 24/7, and when you add motherhood to that, it can often create some pretty crazy hard moments. In all honesty, it’s definitely hard to have it all as they say with women, and finding a balance between a career that you love and have an enormous amount of passion for, and this small human who is THE most important thing in your world. I think it’s important to say that a balance of the two is always a work in progress. And in that work in progress is accepting that sometimes you also suck at it!
My dream mother’s day gift is…
A really great hug and kiss from Louie, and for us to have a really beautiful day together.
A week away at the health retreat Kamalaya – this working and homeschooling has been a tough gig!
"I think it's important to say that a balance of the two [motherhood and career] is always a work in progress."
Natalie Wood

"I think it's important to say that a balance of the two [motherhood and career] is always a work in progress."
Natalie Wood

Discover Wolfgang Scout
A collection of thoughtful and sustainable luxury knitwear & hand-dyed silks, perfect for cosying up with at home.